Saturday, November 25, 2006


So apparently I am a local now. I got stopped twice today and asked for directions. Fortunately, I could answer the questions. But silly me told the cuties from Vancouver (6 of them!) to go in the opposite direction of me. DUH! Then, a block from home, I got asked where Patagonia was. I had just walked past it so was able to point the nice family in the right direction.

But what I really need to tell you is that my bathroom is sparkly-clean thanks to lots of elbow grease. Then I started in on the stove, but it was quite resistant to my efforts. I honestly don't think it had ever been cleaned - yikes! The top of the stove lifts up, so the very top and the underneath top are both clean. The catchers (?) under the coils are what doesn't want to be clean. I used dish detergent & then Comet and nothing worked. Well... they are a little cleaner I guess... but they are still pretty icky!

Aw.. Josh just texted me to say he had met my sister. That was so sweet! :)

Broke out the Christmas music today - love it!

Tonight I get to see my very first Thunderbirds game - yay! So I should really get some more research done for my typography book & my designer papers before I go home and get ready for the evening.

Ta ta for now!
me :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

mass consumerism

Happy day-after-Thanksgiving! Hope you all enjoyed your turkey - or chicken, or lamb... - are now home after a long day of sales.

The only shopping I've done is to go into Bed Bath & Beyond to get a vacuum cleaner because I really need to vacuum. That's my project for tomorrow.

You would think it was summer by the amount of people in the market today. We were busy from 9ish on. Yikes. It was a little crazy, but we were getting thru. I even got to make some drinks during the busy time! Oh, happy black Friday, 7656! I missed you all today!

Dinner yesterday with Beth & her parents, her sister & brother-in-law & their 2 boys. A 21-pound turkey was WAY too much for the 8 of us - especially on top of mashed potatoes, dressing, rolls, yams, etc. Oh and a choice of pumpkin or berry for the pies. Can you say stuffed??! We ate at 1ish and were so stuffed we didn't eat supper. Needless to say, I was pretty close to ravenous this morning when I woke up for work.

So I worked and went to BB&B and now I am sitting in Starbucks pretending I'm actually doing work online. Which I sort of am. In a different window. I have 2 projects due for Typography within the next 3 weeks (when everything else is due!) and I really need to get working on them. We have lots of comps & roughs due on Thursday. Definitely makes me dread Thursday...!

Wow - this is taking me so long to write. I really am looking up stuff for those projects. And ordering the Zambonis Greatest Hits at since .com isn't carrying it. grrr...

Ok, I so need to remember why it was so important for me to blog. Oh yeah.... RHB & I wandered the market together on both Tuesday & Wednesday. So need to stay away from him! ;)

I'm going to leave you on that. Have a fun holiday weekend and know that I am missing you in NJ!

xo :)

Monday, November 13, 2006


So far behind on my blogging - appologies to all.

I'm picking up more hours at work and more homework from school. Does this sound like a problem to anyone else???!!!!!

Midterm grades were better than I had expected: A, B+, and 3 Bs. I am still struggling with not being sure that I "fit in." All these people that I hang out with carry their sketch books and are always drawing and stuff. And they are the people who are getting all the As. And they are always like, Oh I have been carrying this for years. Yeah, HI. I haven't been doing that. This is all new to me. So I guess I'm thankful that I'm doing as well as I am. (Maggie says "the world is run by B students" and encourages me to not worry.) Although, I have decided that I will not be sleeping for the rest of the quarter. I have an incredible amount of work to do in the next 5 weeks. ACK!!!!!

I am working on my networking skills however. Working at the original Starbucks allows me to meet lots of people from headquarters. Fletch & I were on register and met this guy from the design department. He encouraged us to come and visit. So we have to figure that out. That was neat. Then it got shoved to the back of my mind as the line of customers got longer and longer and out the door and down the sidewalk..... All because it was Veteran's Day? I guess, but it was also not raining?

Let's see. What else have I done?

Beth & I went out to the Falls yesterday afternoon. We thought there was A LOT of water, but according to Tad, it was nothing compared to Tuesday when it crested. But whatever. It was really neat and I took a whole bunch of pictures. (That I can't share with you because I'm at school and not on my laptop. Maybe I different day???)

Saturday night, Beth & I went to Stacey's for pizza (& salad & pop & ice cream & cookies) and a movie. We agreed on "love actually." It was better than I had expected and am now thinking about buying it.

Friday night was a birthday/going-away work party - West Seattle is a little sketchy - I had no idea. I went by myself, hung out with Kevin & Christopher. Heather is from Rochester, NY, so we talked for a bit. But I left early with the guys and they were so incredibly sweet and took my home. I ended up playing Apples to Apples in 213 for a while, then cleaned my desk and went to bed.

Thursday night was where today's title came from. Walking home from class, carrying Kristen's stuff cuz she walked off with mine. Got out of class early - nice! Walking home with Jared & Ryan talking about eating at Subway. I was starving and said, well, if you don't mind, I'll stop by my place and drop this stuff off and join you. Turns out Jared was going on home, so Ryan stopped home with me and then we went to Subway. Discussed what sub to get and what to put on it and whether or not we were together when it was time to pay. Then we sat and talked about the order in which to eat chips/subs. And EVERYTHING else! It was really neat to have such a long interesting conversation with someone I had just met. (Did I mention that he's 6'3", really cute and only 19???????) Such is my life.

Well, I have to work on my photoshop exercises - since I am in class and all...

Missing everyone back east...


Friday, November 03, 2006

its raining...

I swear I saw the sun this morning when I woke up. But then I went back to sleep and when I woke up again, it was raining. And it's still raining. And it looks like it will keep raining. And it's windy and peoples' umbrellas are blowing inside-out.

Perhaps it is a good day for comfort food, 'tho I should be eating salad...!

Comforting Scrambled Eggs
A small frying pan will work if you are alone.
Saute some garlic and chopped onion in olive oil.
Crack 2 eggs - or 3 depending on how hungry you are - into a mixing bowl. Scramble with a fork and add some milk and seasongins - your favorites. I usually use seasoned pepper. Pour into the frying pan. As the eggs start to cook, use the fork to scramble them to fluffy. Enjoy with buttered toast and your favorite juice. i.e. whatever is in the fridge.

If that doesn't do it for you, head to your closest Starbucks and curl up in a comfy chair with a new holiday beverage - Eggnog Latte, Peppermint Mocha, or Gingerbread Latte.

Be warm & dry, whichever option you choose.

xo :)