Sunday, November 25, 2007

i had no idea

Seattle has a curling club. Turns out it's the only dedicated curling club on the west coast of the US. Crazy, I know! They have social leagues - definitely something I will check out come next fall. They've already started for this season. Granite Curling Club. Check 'em out.

This is a sure sign that I need to get off line. :D


for cath (& ya'll)

So life is not as bad as it sounded from that last post. Sorry!

I moved into my new place on 10/22 and had my house-warming party 2 weeks later. It was on a Friday night and I got/made/put out too much food and wine and people ate very little and drank even less. (Thanks!) 2 nights later, I put out all the food again, warmed up soup & B made grilled cheese. S & J finally(!) showed up and J showed his pictures from his [April] trip to India. They were really neat to see, but I'm pretty sure I don't need to go there! Ya'll didn't eat enough that night either!

The following Friday, a whole passel of people went to Spaghetti Factory for dinner and were done by the time I got out of work, home to change and to the restaurant. Then 9 of us went to Warren Miller's Playground. (If it comes to your city, go see it!) I'm not a winter sports person and am totally happy to sit in the lodge and keep warm while the rest of you enjoy the out-of-doors. However, this film was somewhat inspiring 'tho it made my knees hurt! There were several attractive men in it. :D

After that, I was sick for the better part of 2 weeks and am finally feeling better. I am still somewhat congested. boo.

Work is going well. The Apple Cup was Saturday, so I am done working Saturdays. Yay! They were fun and I think I'll actually miss some of the customers. Well, actually, I don't think I will. Especially not the drunk ones that liked me.

Y'know, it's pretty sad that only drunk guys find me attractive............

(Have I posted this before?)

poster child for the Christian single
dumped on more than a birdhouse shingle
tired of the same old crowd, she starts to
mingle where she don't belong
all God's bachelors hanging in a bunch
wolves in a Wool-lite beat 'em to the punch
score another knockout, barely bought her lunch
what went wrong?

let's talk about real life
truth and consequences
and coming to our senses
and lies we'd best unlearn

let's talk about real love
truth and propaganda
are you really gonna stand for
love that waits it's turn?

Might I mention that I'm still waiting for "God's bachelors" to step up.

So I'm currently uploading all my Christmas cds to iTunes. I LOVE Christmas music, much to the dismay of my coworkers. At least all the ones who were working Friday morning. Crazy kids!

I guess that's all for now. I can't think of another thing to tell ya'll.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


That is what I am. I am so congested and my throat is sore. And I've been sent home early from work the last 2 days because I am sick. Not to fear, I am online at my neighborhood Starbucks. :)

So I guess that I am posting only on holidays? I don't mean to. Really I don't. I have all these ideas for blogs and random things happen that I'm like, I should definitely blog about that. But then I never do. Sorry.

Since Halloween, I have been to the Oregon Coast. Abby's personal shower was in Seaside and we had lunch and shopped in Cannon Beach. It was a really nice girls weekend. (Yes, there's pictures. No, I don't know when I'll get them online.) :D

What else has happened? Um, nothing. I've been working and I'm currently sick. There is an attractive man sitting in the corner facing me. He came over to ask about my sweatshirt. All he could see was the "Senators" part. So we started talking a little hockey. Turns out he's from Detroit. Just my luck, eh?! LOL

Oh look. He left. :(

I got this in a forward from a friend from home. It's neat, so I thought I'd share. Check it out. You can send a free thank you to a soldier. Do it!

Happy Thanksgiving!
