Tuesday, February 20, 2007

go see this...

Music and Lyrics. It opened on Valentine's Day, but since that was Bible study night, I didn't get to go. So I went the next night. Walked out of the theatre and over to Barnes & Nobel to buy the soundtrack and that's all I've been listening to since then. We even listened to it at close tonight. :)

C'mon - ya can't go wrong with Hugh Grant (HOT!), 80s music and techno..... Oh, and Drew Barrymore plays herself really well. Like always.

Friday night, I stayed in and ate dinner while watching Man On Fire. I really liked it and that really surprised me. Denzel Washington, Christopher Walken, Dakota Fanning, and Marc Anthony. It was definitely a "shoot-em-up" movie, and that's not my usual style. (see above for that!) And I definitely covered my eyes in a couple of places, but I really liked the story line and found myself sobbing at the end.

Rough week and I need to go home and put my project for tomorrow together.

Did I tell u I started another blog for my poetry? Well I did. And yes, I write poetry. Usually on the bus going to Kirkland. :)

xo :)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

dinner, kinkos, etc.

Tuesday was Jodie's birthday. I thought we would go out for a drink. Instead, she made dinner reservations at Brasa in Belltown. AMAZING! I had butternut squash-stuffed cappeletti. I also drank a Judy Jetson - vanilla Stolichnaya, Tuaca & orange juice. So good. It was Jodie, Liz, Vanessa, Michelle & I. So much fun. We talked about photography & new urbanism and some other word that I can't remember! On a different night, Jodie & I will head out for pomegranate cosmos! :)

School is so much work right now. I'm trying to get lots done today because I have the afternoon off. Hopefully tonight Maryska & I will go somewhere and see Music & Lyrics. Can't wait - hope it works out!

Kinkos. Don't go to the one in Belltown. They are extremely unhelpful. I've tried working on stuff twice there and been turned away with every question. So just don't go there!!!

Valentine's Day went down like this: Homework, lunch with Cathy & Josh, class, Graphic Design Club, Bible study, bed. I got lotion, soap & chocolates from my sister. Yay! :)

Random... At 31 I finally went to my first all-ages show. Interestingly enough, it was a punk show put on by the new cute boy. He hugged me ;) and thanked me over and over for coming. I didn't stay long. That was Friday. Saturday, Will, Michelle, George & I went to Paper Zone. We saw a bunch of people there that we knew. I'd like to share that it is my new favorite place to shop because they have so much paper. Yay! And then I made us walk home. It's only like 1.5 miles and it was gorgeous out!

Um, also random... There's a new cute boy at Starbucks but I'm pretty sure he's married. :( Too bad, cuz he's tall and had red hair and it so cute! :)

Guess that's all for now. I have to move to a different computer to scan in my magazine cover for my History of Graphic Design class.



Friday, February 09, 2007

movie review included

I was pre-close last night and our ASM was closing so we were chatting about this and that, and I suddenly remembered that he was to be the subject of a post. So here goes.

I started at my new store the same day as the new quarter started. So it's been 5 weeks for both now. So I think it was Monday of week 4, my ASM said, "Rachel, come on out back, we need to have our 3-week review." I informed him that it had been 4 weeks as we headed out back. (note: our back room is as big as my apartment!) I was a little stressed about this conversation as I was convinced that he hated me. But we sat down and just chatted about the store and how the East is totally different from Seattle. I did say in convo that I felt like I had come to the store at a really bad time. And he agreed with me, which didn't make me feel that much better, but he said it was okay and that he didn't hate me. So I guess things are going well... lol

Seriously, I do enjoy it, but it really doesn't feel like home yet. I miss my people at Pike Place. :( But I know where stuff is, and I have a lot more "freedom" to find stuff on my own and make decisions, so that is good. I just have to walk 10 blocks home. Actually, it's not a big deal and I enjoy the walk most nights.

And now, on to the movie review.

I watched Napoleon Dynamite last night. For the first time. Yes, I know it's been out for a bunch of years! But I was at Will's and saw it on Corey's movie shelf, so asked to borrow it. :) It is not a good movie, but it was funny. But painful. No one should make a movie about how frightening high school is! There were some moments of amazing cinematography, but they were few and far between. I would watch it again, but it did hurt.

Tonight is a punk show that I want to go see but I'm not sure I want to go by myself. The promoter hasn't contacted me since Tuesday, so I'm not sure I'm getting hooked up with backstage or not. Grrr.

Guess I could so see a movie with Will instead?

I'll have to see what happens...


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Just how, exactly, does a girl invite herself to go to a concert with a cute boy who only wants to be friends and writes *interesting* emails about how he just wants to be friends?! I understand his reasoning, but I still want to hang out with him...

hence the title of this post! ;)

Did I ever write about Carbon Leaf? I went Friday night at The Moore. Ended up being by myself because everyone else had plans. I bought my ticket on my way to work that afternoon. Turns out I got a really good seat, just couldn't see the guitarist if he went too far to the right of the stage. Anyways, these people around me pretty much adopted me, so that was fun. And then these 2 girls came and hung out in my row. They were sisters and it made me miss mine! :( We ended up deciding to fight over the lead singer. :) So it turned out being really fun even tho it started out that I wasn't sure it would be.

Oh, and I wore my red heels! :)

Something FUN about today: Saw the newest cutest boy. ;) He was sitting in the computer lab when I popped in at break to check my email. I almost started talking about him to Maryska because she was with me, and then I realized that he was sitting right there. hee hee ;)

Guess I'm out. I really need to go home and get stuff done!


Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I met the "nice Baptist boy" my mother has been warning me about for so long.

However, when he was over Sunday night working on concept development, he confided in me which of my friends he really likes. It was the one whom the others of us had suspected.

hee hee :)

School's hard. I can't get my art nouveau-style poster to work, so I'm going to see if I can hand-letter it. Doesn't exactly sound like a lot of fun at 10:30 p.m.

Oh right, speaking of the time, I need to go home and finish what's due at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

Should have been working on this stuff in the 45 minutes I was hanging out with a punk promoter. Should I mention that he's cute? Nah, you might have figured that one out on your own. ;) Anyways, he's tall and has reddish hair and wears glasses. :)

I'm out for now. Gotta get some sleep before 4 hours with Fred.


p.s. I will be home March 23rd. Can't wait to see y'all! :)