Sunday, March 30, 2008


I nabbed this picture from here. I have a HUGE crush on Nada Surf. Seriously. I thought it was just on Daniel, but it turns out that it's on Matthew and Ira as well. (S, I'm sorry, I can't help it!)

I arrived at The Showbox at the Market just before 7:30 last night. I headed into The Green Room because it was cold outside. I should have ordered food, but the guy never came back. I chatted with the couples on either side of me. The usual stuff: have you ever been here, how many times have you seen them, what are you drinking? A cute, sandy-haired guy reached in next to me and ordered 3 Guinness. I said "hi nate" and we caught up on life since LE back in the fall. He's been to Argentina and back. I've mostly been in Seattle.

If you are in the Green Room, you get to go into the show before they open the doors to the outside. I think that's neat! Most of the people from the Green Room went into the bars inside. I walked up to the stage and asked if you really could just stand there. The 2 girls standing there said yes. THEN we introduced ourselves.

The Builders and the Butchers took the stage about 9 and played for 50 minutes. They are from Portland and were SO MUCH FUN! Their myspace says they sound like "singing and shouting with guitar, bass, mandolin, banjo, accordian, drums, xylophone, bells, and washboard." That's true! But they forgot trumpet and assorted noise makers... The 2 percussionists (Paul & Ray) were FAB.

Nada Surf
didn't take the stage until 10:30. They rocked!!! I was SO close to Daniel - that was awesome. He's such a performer and so much fun to watch! They played til about 11:45, then came back for an encore that finished after midnight. The encore included Blizzard & Blonde on Blonde and ended with Blankest Year. It was fairly rowdy and there was much singing along!

No, I didn't take my camera! I knew that it was a standing GA show, so didn't want to carry too much stuff. Am I mad at myself? TOTALLY!!! I took a couple of pictures with my phone, but they didn't come out very good. :( Hopefully Beth will send me some - I used her camera a couple of times...

12:15 a.m. is really late at night for me, especially since I was at work at 4:30 Friday morning. I lost my voice and my hearing, but I chatted with The Builders for a bit before heading out into the cold night. I had to run for about a half block, but I made the bus, so I was home and almost in bed by 12:45. Crazy! But I had SO MUCH FUN even tho I went out by myself to see an opening act I had never heard of. :)

So, anyways, I'm in a bit of a quandary. If these 2 bands are my favorites and I also heart Guster, what kind of music do I like? Myspace says: The Builders are "Powerpop / 2-step / Acoustic", Nada Surf is " Rock / Indie / Pop" and Guster is: "Alternative". Am I trying too hard to fit myself into 1 genre? What am I supposed to tell people when they ask what kind of music I like? Help...


bc briefly

On Thursday, the day before Good Friday, I boarded a bus (???) to Richmond, BC, Canada. I was rather shocked, as I had booked my ticket thru Amtrak, which, as you may know, is a train! Anyways, I picked up my ticket at the ticket window and the nice lady told me to go get on the big white bus out front. Did I mention I was shocked?

I stowed my suitcase in the bottom part of the bus and climbed aboard. I got 2 seats to myself in the middle of the bus. I was reminded of hockey trips back East, except that I had 2 seats to myself and I didn't know anyone on the bus.

L & K picked me up, tho they were at the wrong hotel to start. It's not my fault the city of Richmond names 2 of their hotels with the same name, only changing what they are. One is a hotel, the other is an inn. crazy. They kindly took me for a Tim's then to drop off my stuff, then on to a taco salad supper at the MR.

On Friday, for lunch, the ladies served a FAB Greek meal. YUM!!!!

On Saturday, for lunch, the ladies served a yummy bbq meal.

On Sunday, for lunch, the ladies served roast beef for main course and cheesecake for dessert.

For supper on Friday & Saturday, there were Subway party subs. (I don't like Subway.)

I left before supper on Sunday.

I enjoyed the readings and addresses. And the gospels and the hymn sings. Peter made us learn a new tune to #104. Can't remember it right now, but I really liked it.

I also liked that there were cute boys there (!) and that I got to drink Tim's. No, I don't particularly like their coffee, and therefore I drink double-doubles, which are basically warm, sweet beverages that taste vaguely like coffee. I don't drink Starbucks when I'm in Canada!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

all on a saturday

The Space Needle hiding behind a tree.


Making frosting from just 3 ingredients. Have I mentioned that I'm a Safeway fan?!

My new shoes :)


Caesar Salad!

Carrot Cake with Apricot filling. It was from Costco and had cream cheese frosting.

Wii! Phil, Liviu, Dan, Andre, Cristian

Striped Pants!!!!!

Keren & Karen. I think they were trying to bowl?

And then I wandered off to take random pictures of the house. :)

thunderbirds @ silvertips 3/14/08

Tempers flaring...

"Game On!"

This glass isn't supposed to break...

The cool t-shirt-shooter-thing!

2 Zambonis!!! :)

My new favorite player - look at his last name & # (not all of you will understand this, in fact, I don't know if any of you will. sorry.)

The final fight, or rather, what was left while the penalties were being sorted out.

And I'd like to point out that the penalties didn't make a whole lot of sense, but then, I don't know the rules of the WHL.


these last few weeks

I have been saying things like "this is SO going in my blog" or "I really need to blog this in the morning" and, well, it hasn't really happened that way. So here are a few pictures with brief comments to fill you in on life in Seattle.


This was before the Seahawks got knocked out of the playoffs.

Some pictures from my trip home in Jan/Feb...

Annabelle texting?

Like their daddy, Syreeta & Annabelle like their video games.

Annabelle eating popcorn at the hockey game.

<3 My sister <3

Candace, Char, Leanne & Mia at the wedding of...

Phil & Abby on 2/9/08

March came in like a lion! This is hail on 3/1!

Seattle from the Bainbridge Ferry.

A random shot of people in the Space Needle. This is taken from my bus stop!

Making cookies - yum!

Artistic shot :)

Finished product!


Monday, March 17, 2008

happy st. paddy's day

This is my famous "Green Cake" that I only make once a year. Although, it's easy & yummy and I should make it more often. Perhaps I should experiment with other flavors of pudding? The green version uses Pistachio.

It is gorgeous in Seattle today, if a little cool & breezy. I have things to do, but not the motivation...


Saturday, March 15, 2008


My mom finally sent my transfer cable, so I am in the process of uploading my pictures from my camera to my computer. I've been taking lots (I love spring!) so it's taking a while to upload them all. Especially since I've been doing laundry & baking this afternoon! I promise I will put some up soon, starting with the AHL All-Star Game. (Yes, B, just for you!)


Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This is a video of my friend Evan's band, I Declare War. They are a death metal band and the video is very disturbing. Consider yourself warned!!!

That said, it is well-produced, and that's why I decided to put it on here.


Saturday, March 08, 2008


I met Cakespy!!!!! We met at Nielsen's Pastries in Queen Anne and chatted for well over an hour and then, sadly, I had to go to work. We plan to get together again. She is SO very cool. And she's an East Coast Girl!!!!!

It was so very fun! :D


Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Saw G after cp today. It TOTALLY made my afternoon! ;)
