Wednesday, October 31, 2007

happy halloween

This year, I'm going as a black cat, just like my nieces. However, instead of a collar or tail, I have a pink feather boa. Just for fun. :)

Anyways, welcome back. It's been forever, or at least 1 1/2 months! And so much has changed!

I withdrew from school under the "career change" check-box. I moved to a different apartment. [I can't say "new" 'cuz it's not!!!] I am living 1 block from a Cherry Street Coffee House and they have free wi-fi, so here I am. I'm still at my same Starbucks, but I'm sitting on a coffee panel at corporate and hoping I can turn it into a job somehow.

I withdrew from art school because I am not an artist. Well, I am, but not in the way they want me to be; not in the way that will give me an amazing portfolio; and certainly not in a way that will land me that fab job in the Graphic Design world. I am far too social! ;)

Once I get settled, I plan to resume my card making. Hopefully, this year's holiday cards will be my own. We'll see. There's still WAY too many boxes in my living room.

Speaking of getting settled, I'm hoping for my housewarming party to be on the 9th. Call or email if you want more info.

I do so love this coffee house, as all they play is 80s music. And you all know how much I absolutely adore 80s music!

Well, that's all for now. I must go home and start on my costume. Wait, it's not even 8:00 yet... I get up way too early!



Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to catch up on your life...wait I already know most of this. If you want to see pics of my reunion go to my space and go to colleen...wait, I don't know if that's her screen name or not...anyways she has alot on there although they are small

Anonymous said...

darling! i love you! i love pink feather boas on halloween or not! i'm in the midst of writing you a snail mail letter of love and thanks (for the delcious birthday treats!). Good luck! I'm thinking of you!!