Friday, July 04, 2008


I am so definitely back.

I went to the mall to check on a shirt at the Gap. The guy who checked me out asked if I had found everything I was looking for. I said "no" and, when asked, went on to describe the shirt I had bought in Seattle on Monday and was looking for the blue one. The guy says, "Are you Rachel?" Me [in shock] "Yeah..." "I'm Nathan. I met you at John's going away party at the church before he went to Australia." Me "Ooohhhh :D How are you?!" And we went on having a conversation about him remembering that I was moving to Seattle. I'm still racking my brain, but I think I might have met him at Applebee's? I feel bad that I don't remember him, but we figure we'll run into each other again. :)

Then I went to the bakery at the corner to grab a sub for dinner tonight. These 2 guys pulled in at the same time as me, but I didn't pay them much attention. Until I turned around to look at the pop and came face to face with the one. I'm pretty sure I went out with him, once, probably 3 - 4 years ago. It was a hockey thing and I'm quite sure he didn't recognize me. My hair is shorter & super dark and I felt kinda crappy so didn't look all that fabulous anyway.

Oh, and I knew the kid that checked me out at the grocery store.

Apparently I'm back. Crazy.


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