Sunday, August 31, 2008

silence speaks a thousand words

I'm here. Really. I think of you often. I just never write. And I'm deeply sorry. I just feel like I have nothing to say that anyone wants to hear.

I provide support to the Customer Service department at Johnson Outdoors and I'm a Pampered Chef consultant. I work a lot and still struggle to pay my bills.

I occasionally wonder if it's worth it...

I want a hug from a friend in California.

I've recently discovered that I DO like Coldplay, although, perhaps it's just the one song?

I think Jango is, like, the coolest thing.

I'm often lonely.

I wish I were at Bumbershoot this weekend, even tho I don't have money to buy anything from Flatstock.

I miss Starbucks.

I miss Seattle!

I'm praying for Beth's family & wishing I could be with them.

I'm so over social networking!

I love you all and I'm sorry I don't write more often.


p.s. Know anything about the title? Comment...


Beth said...

hey, i don't know about the title but i feel the same way about being far from friends... hope things are going well with you back home!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Rach,
Thought we might get to see you last weekend. Hugs from afar. Caroline sends a squishy one. You'd love it--she's seriously into kissing right now--everyone and everything : ) And also, shoes--obsessed with shoes. The two of you should spend a day together! Cathy thinks she must be someone else's daughter.
~Love, Ezra & Caroline's mommy