Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the problem...

...with taking the interstate to work...
...with listening to Classic Rock on your way...

I listen to 99.1 WAAL on my way to work. My sister questions this, but I've been a fan of Steve since his days at Star. AND I like Steve, Kathy & Big Wally. Anyways, The WAAL used to be "bad". I remember my mother telling me that Mrs. Johnson had told her that it was bad and that I was not to listen to it. I always wanted to know how Mrs. Johnson knew that it was bad, but I never got a satisfactory answer. .shrugs.


What is it about Classic Rock that makes you (ME) want to just drive and drive? Pink Floyd's Learning to Fly came on this morning, and, as I turned it up, I was disapointed that I couldn't just keep driving.

Fortunately, I was able to hear the entire song before I pulled in the parking lot, so that made it better, but still.

I'm on the interstate, it's early in the morning, and there's Floyd on the radio? I wanna drive!



Abigail said...

Ha! I love this.

I haven't checked your blog in at least a month, and the day I do, you make my mom famous on the internet. Yeah!

As far as WAAL goes, I suspect my mom's knowledge of it was due more to the fact that we were subjected to it while riding to the Christian school on public school buses than it was due to her secretly listening to it at midnight in her room. I think, anyway...

But then again, maybe her closet is full of skeletons dancing to Pink Floyd. Who knows?!

Anonymous said...

welll you could have that song on your ipod like I do ;)

Anonymous said...

rachel. i miss you!!

Anonymous said...

you make me smile! miss you sis!

xoxo, L

rachel said...

skeletons dancing to pink floyd - i love it! :D

i can't listen to my ipod while i'm driving...

i miss you.

and you! (i know i owe you an email...)