Tuesday, March 06, 2007

manic monday

hit snooze this morning – didn’t want to get out of bed. But I’m not into skipping classes, so not getting up was not an option. After doing my back exercises, I realized that the sky was midnight blue – at 6:15 a.m. When I got out of the shower 20 minutes later, the sky was considerably lighter and by the time I was ready to leave, I grabbed my sunglasses. Yay! I love sunny days.

(‘Tho I realized it will be difficult to want to stay in and do homework this summer when it will be nice all the time…)

I struggle with the work, but I like Concept Development because of the people in the class – Michelle, Maryska, Jodie, Riga, Don & Sigrid. Also because there is a cute guy named Jeff in there. I should point out that rumour has him married. He doesn’t wear a ring… Anyways, he wasn’t there today, so that was sad. :( Critiques went well and we laughed ‘til we cried … over the reasons for guys to buy girls flowers. :)

Had a text from Caleb that he had forgotten to order my Shuffle last week, but did it this past Saturday and that I’ll have it this week for sure. Yay! Speaking of forgetting, I forgot to text him back. oops! So anyways, I will join the cool people of Seattle and have an IPod. :)

So home from school for lunch and the 80s at lunch on Star. They played Manic Monday – hence today’s title. :) Actually, the whole thing was really good and I sang along to most of it – especially Pet Shop Boys and Joan Jett. “You’ve got the brawn, I’ve got the brain, let’s make lots of money.” and “I hate myself for loving you.” I have way too much fun by myself. :)

And then I realized that I need a color printer!

About that time, I also realized that I was not connected to linksys, this random wireless network that is “everywhere” but only sporadically in my apartment. I blame it on living on the alley, overlooking the roof of the building next door, on the wrong side of the building, etc. But it was frustrating ‘cuz I wanted to email Jodie.

I need to take pictures – I don’t have any gray hair! Hooray! for the next couple of weeks before it starts growing again……

It was really nice here in Seattle today. I’d say close to 60, but whatever the temperature, it was far too warm to wear a parka to walk 10 blocks. It was even still too warm for that tonight when I got out of work at 7:30!

Guess that’s all for now. I have to get stuff done for Fred’s class and I’m not sure what all I have to do. Ack! The reason I don’t like to get out of bed on Tuesday mornings…


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh so since I had forgotten about your blog...I have no idea why or how I forgot....it has been lovely catching up on your life since whenever it was that I last read this!!!